Friday, December 31, 2010

It's been too long

Well, we're on the eve of a new year and I am reflective, as often happens at the end of a year/beginning of a new one. It's been too long since I've blogged and not for lack of things to say. We have had a very busy year and, by active decision, I let the blogging lapse to make sure I was taking care of in-shop business. But now it's time to get back to blogging.

This has been a year of transition in lots of ways.

For the shop, we've grown and grown and grown, to the point that I realized I needed more than volunteer help. That led to hiring Carol, who is a gem of a knitter, learner, teacher, beginning spinner and all round wonderful, caring human being. She has made all the difference in my being able to maintain my sanity when the UPS boxes mount up, the phone is ringing off the hook, wonderful customers are needing help and we NEED coffee! God bless her!!

Also, we've started giving lots more lessons in knitting, crochet, spinning and weaving, and renting of weaving and spinning studio space. Each class needs lots of prep and each student brings us new things we need to address, so it's all good. This has led us to think about and plan for a broader range of classes that go beyond the basics and help you all build skills that keep you going, a goal for 2011. Look for loads of skill-building classes this new year.

I've started focusing on building some weaving kits, too, so new and intermediate weavers can have all they need in order to be successful, while learning about a particular weaving structure. As much as I love color, there will be some really awesome handdyed kits to keep the excitement alive.

All the input from you has given me the opportunity to think about publishing more materials that answer all those nagging questions we get asked on a weekly basis. In 2011, look for us to start publishing some 'how to' materials, along with classes that will really help you continue to build your skills.

This all leads me to our most important evolving change, and that is our own online store where we'll sell kits, our handdyed yarns and fibers, including our colorway of the month offerings, and some new, exciting items, coming in Feburary. We'll announce when it's ready and hope your will provide your feedback!

Stay tuned and come love fiber with us!
Happy New Year,