Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Best Spinning Gadget Ever

Some of you may know that I'm a gadget girl. A serious gadget girl. I think I have tried nearly every spinning, weaving, knitting tool or gadget out there. So when Sherri came into the shop yesterday talking about her desire to spin a more consistent yarn and asking for help in understanding her new iPhone spinning app, I was excited. What in the world could a spinning app do for you on the phone?

To my surprise, the app is fantastic! It's called iSpinToolkit and has a wraps per inch gauge where you just lay your yarn over the screen and you can size it exactly to determine the wpi, there's a twists per inch gauge, too, and a tool for determining your twist angle exactly, Z or S twist. And there's more that I haven't had time to play with yet, including explanations of how these are all used. What does this mean? You can spin your yarn and recreate it exactly for a large project or just because all with one tool on your phone that you are already always carrying around. Pure genius!! I downloaded it as quickly as I could! You spinners will want to try this out. Now I'm imagining a weaving app that would show you the sett of cloth based on different threads you lay over the screen. Wouldn't that be the greatest?

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