Progress continues on my Aestlight shawl, slowly, more slowly than I'd like but some of my project time has been taken up lately with other domestic activities due to our record-setting cold temps and annoying little things like pipes freezing, cats who are stir crazy and an endless pile of year-end paperwork. Still, the end is in sight! and I'm lovin how the colors show up in the edging and how this yarn feels. I can't wait to have it all finished and blocked!
Lucky for me, I got in a solid couple of hours spinning yesterday, as a result of the Yarnorama spin-in. I was able to fill up a bobbin of singles from some of the merino top I had hand dyed at SOAR in what seemed like no time. The top was perfectly prepared and easy to spin into a fingering/light sportsweight singles.
The 3oz I had of it resulted in 648 yds of loveliness. I set the twist with my steam iron and wound into a ball.
It wasn't long before I was itching to start a project with it. I'd steal a glance at it every so often as I knit Aestlight and imagine what I'd make. Then I remembered that the Ishbel shawl has been on my project 'to do' list. This yarn and pattern seemed the perfect pairing. So here she is! I think I'm really going to enjoy this pattern and hope I have enough to make the larger size.
Truly inspiring. We won't tell my DW, but I am beginning to ponder the dark side...