This is my Akapana Scarf, a shop model I've been working on from the yarn by the same name, a sinfully luxurious baby llama, merino yarn in a super easy seed stitch. I love this yarn because it looks like handspun, in addition to feeling like something you want to wrap up in and never take off. I've just been working on it in 'free' moments here and there, which is why it is taking me so long to finish. That's why I just decided to bite the bullet and focus on finishing it. And then there is the very self-serving reason... it's still quite chilly out and how I'd love to have an excuse to wear it! Maybe it will be done tomorrow... we'll see.
On hold for a couple days is my Aestlight Shawl. I made some progress, as you can see:
It's coming along nicely, but I do need to have a clear mind when working on it so I don't screw up the lace. I'm really thrilled about the feel of this one and how my handspun worked up. I don't think I'll get back to this one until Friday though because of all the other things on my plate.
I lament never having enough time for my projects and ideas, but then it occurred to me that I will never have enough time because I'm a mad woman who dreams of more things to do than I can ever achieve.
Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, Or what's a heaven for?
—Robert Browning
Or a woman's!
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