Every week, I look forward to Monday. Not that I don't love everyone, but it is my one and only day 'off' during the week. I dream of having that day to play in the garden, knit or spin or weave and give my mind a reprieve from small business ownership. Instead, I end up packing it with all my errands, dr's appts, paperwork.
Today was no different, except that I planned to spend my day doing year-end accounting and coming home so relieved and happy to have it all done and ready for the new year. I was confident when I set out this morning because I had all the docts printed, organized and ready for me. What was I thinking??
One accounting snaffo when I checked a box in POS that I shouldn't have, and I'm still tracking down the transaction trail hours later. I think I've figured it out, but now I'm off my timetable until I get with my accountant. Without that resolved, I couldn't go further. Sheesh!
I came home and decided what the hey... let's knit! so I continued working on my Aestlight shawl, to the point that I need to get busy and spin more yarn for it. This is such a fun knit and I'm loving the yarn. More on that tomorrow! I never did spin, as my spinning chair was occupied all evening with Fischer, who was not willing to budge one bit as he was studying the spinning wheel and fiber rather intently. He really likes the colors and I think he was trying to figure out how to do some spinning for himself... I just didn't have the heart to interrupt his intense focus.
He's such a sweetheart and sometimes too smart for his own good!
Isn't he adorable?
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